About Us

What would you expect when a software engineer from New Jersey is teamed with an herbalist and homesteader from Texas on a relief outreach in coastal South Carolina?

Such an unlikely match certainly wasn't on either one of our radars, but that's what happens when God brings people together: exactly when and where you least expect it. And little did we know how it would change the course of our lives.

Well, we swiftly fell in love, and got married, and Monica sold her Jersey milk cows to move across the country and build a life with Christopher in New Jersey. She recalls the hardest moment was when we sold her Priefert round pen. That round pen depicted a way of life to her. She had trained numerous horses over the years within those bars, and in a way, it represented to her the life she was leaving behind.

But people do the darndest things when they're in love, don't they? So off to New Jersey she went, and at our Jersey home we went to work tearing up the front lawn and building raised beds and flowery walkways. As much as we were able to, living in the borough, we set about turning our 1-acre lot into a lovely Jersey homestead. 

Fast forward to 2021. It had become apparent it was time for us to move on from there. We wanted to get back into farming, and Kentucky had flitted across our radar.

Over the course of the next several steps in our path, it became crystal clear that God has divinely led our journey directly into what is now our beautiful farm on Chicken Gizzard Ridge, in the Appalachian foothills of Central Kentucky.

We love the land. We love the people. And we love the opportunity to make an invaluable impact on our local community by making available quality, healthy, and delicious beef.

Christopher, an amateur photographer, railroad fan and steam enthusiast; brings down to earth his computer knowledge and mechanical skills and handles all the technical and mechanical side of things. Including building and maintaining the website, problem solving, and fixing everything that decides to break.

Monica, an artist, herbalist and horse lover; brings her homesteading experience and knowledge of health and wellness, along with her lifelong passion for cows and extensive research in cattle genetics. As well as her people skills.

Together we have built Firefly Fields Farm. On any given day, you might catch us out in the fields watching cows. It's one of our favorite things to do. Each of them has their own unique personality and special place in the herd. And we just love that.

How did we come about naming our farm Firefly Fields?

Well, before we were married, there were a few monumental moments in our relationship that involved fireflies. How we loved watching them rise to dance as the evenings engulfed the setting sun! 

The most beautiful scene I have ever seen in all my life was one night, when we had stayed out too late on a hill overlooking the Delaware river. As we cautiously descended the hill, a full moon was rising, casting its glow and bathing the trees in an eerie light. But the path at our feet was dark and we had to feel our way along carefully.

As we continued to descend, the distant fireflies became closer and more numerous until they were lighting up the pathway by our feet. With the moon silhouetting the canopy of trees overhead and fireflies surrounding us, lighting our path below, it was almost like we were walking through an enchanted tunnel. It was the most breath-taking beauty I've ever seen; the image is still etched into my memory to this day, impossible to recreate. And no picture can ever do it justice.

When we relocated to Kentucky, we wanted to pick the perfect name for our new farm, but we couldn't come up with anything that seemed right.

 It wasn't until after our first spring here, one evening as we sat outside pondering the many tokens of God's great blessing and love towards us. The sun had descended below the next ridge and the pastures began to take life with the sparkling glitter of literally millions of fireflies.

 As we watched them, mesmerized by their beauty, and an occasional shooting star, we realized with certainty that we've come home

Now it's your turn. Tell us about yourself. We want to hear from you!
